(From Men's Varsity Soccer Coach Peter Dermody)
West Men's Soccer Families,
This is the BIG informational e-mail to start really getting you ready for the upcoming season. So get comfortable.
We are continually working to update our e-mail list, so if you had this forwarded on to you, please e-mail me (pwdermody@gmail.com) and let me know of any e-mail addresses you would like added to the list. I do not have many addresses for the JV Gold team, so if anyone has that list, please let me know.
E-mail List (pwdermody@gmail.com)
The most up-to-date source of information about the season because it comes directly from me. Make sure all your e-mail addresses are on the list by e-mailing me.
MWABA Website - www.mwaba.org
The athletics booster organization for West HS hosts a website that has pages for each sport. On this site you will find the most information about the upcoming season, including tryout and match schedules for all teams. Sometimes there is a lag in updating information because it is posted by a third-party, so if there are discrepancies, trust my e-mails.
Varsity Blog - http://westregentsvarsitysoccer.blogspot.com
This blog is maintained by the varsity team and focuses on information related to the varsity team. During the preseason though, this is also a good source of up-to-date information about tryouts, captains practices, and Athletic Cards.
2014 Men's Soccer Facebook Page - West Men's Soccer 2014
The captains maintain a Facebook page for the program. This will be a good source of information regarding if Captains Practices are ever cancelled because of weather.
West High School Athletic Website - West HS Athletics
This site is run by the Athletic Office and will only provide basic information about the soccer season. BUT, it has all the information you need about Athletic Cards. So it's important.
Throughout the summer the varsity captains - Ollie Fisher, Keefe Mitman and Alex Solache - will be running optional captains practices for any interested players in the program. There is no sign-up or paperwork necessary to attend these sessions.
The purpose of these sessions is to provide players in the program regularly scheduled opportunities to play soccer and work out. They are a great opportunity to become better prepared for the upcoming season, especially if you are looking for a spot on the varsity team.
The captains practices are held at Hamilton Middle School.
Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 6:30 PM
Saturdays @ 11:00 AM
Coach Bauch is putting the finishing touches on a collection of summer workout plans. These are not mandatory, but rather are being provided for any players looking for guidance for ways to prepare for the season. There will be a series of fitness tests at the varsity tryouts, and we expect varsity players to come into the start of the season ready to play 90 minutes on the first day. Again, not mandatory, just providing information for possible workouts.
The information will posted in a downloadable PDF on the MWABA and Varsity websites in the next few days. (Available HERE)
I told you this would be long, and we're not done. Here is a little mid-email break: USA USA USA
Men's Varsity Soccer Coach
Tryouts for all five teams will run from Monday, August 11th to Friday, August 15th at Reddan Park. More detailed information about tryouts can be found on the MWABA and Varsity Websites.
Varsity Tryouts - Reddan Park from 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
JV Tryouts - Reddan Park from 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Freshmen Tryouts - Reddan Park from 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM (Monday-Wednesday), Cherokee Middle School from 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM (Thursday & Friday)
Rosters for all five teams will be posted on the MWABA website by 2:00 PM on Friday, August 15th (varsity roster will also be posted on the varsity website).
All five teams practice daily during the entire season. Once the school year begins, all teams practice after school from 4:00-6:00 PM at their various sites. For the two weeks of training prior to the start of the school year, the JV and Freshmen teams will still practice from 4:00-6:00 PM each day. The varsity team will practice in the morning for the first two weeks (exact times have not been finalized, but we should be done by 12:30 each day).
The first varsity practice will be held on Friday, August 15th following the posting of the roster. There will be a classroom session at West HS at 3:00 PM, followed by training at Hamilton MS from 4:30-6:00 PM.
There is no exception to this rule. If you do not have the correct athletic cards, with all the right signatures, you will not be allowed on the field for tryouts. Do not wait until the last minute to take care of cards because you may find you need a physical and those can be difficult to schedule. More information about cards can be found at the West HS Athletics Website (West HS Athletics).
If you do not tryout, you will not make a JV or Varsity roster, regardless of what team you played on last season. Missing all of tryouts because your cards were not done, means you will not make a team (except for Freshmen because Freshmen soccer is no-cut).
Due to the construction at West this summer, the regular Athletic Office is closed for the summer. But our Athletic Director, Mr. Lipp, will be setting up a temporary Athletic Office at West for the summer. You will be able to pick up and drop off athletic cards all summer. The temporary Athletic Office is the Ash Office (right next to the LMC). Completed cards can be turned into Mr. Lipp or anyone in the Main Office (7:30-3:00 PM weekdays).
Congrats! You made it through the e-mail! Remember to continue to let me know if you need to add e-mail addresses to my list.
Peter Dermody
Men's Varsity Soccer Coach
Madison West HS