2014 Madison West Regents
Men's Varsity Soccer
Undefeated Season & Regional Champions
The 2014 Madison West Regents Soccer Updater and Blog
Coach Dermody says to make sure you are staying on top of Tuesday Reports and Daily Attendance. We don't want anyone to have to sit out playoff matches because of eligibility issues.MONDAY - PracticeTUESDAY - Match v. Janesville Parker (6:30 PM @ Parker HS) *Note earlier timeBus leaves from West HS at 4:15 PM.Plan on stopping for food on the way back.We will wear blue jerseys, white shorts and blue socks (unless captains choose yellow kit).WEDNESDAY - Practice & Team DinnerFollowing practice we will have a team dinner at David Bernhardt's house (4102 Yuma)THURSDAY - Match v. Madison Edgewood (7:00 PM @ Reddan Park)Everyone should be at Reddan Park by 5:45. There is not a bus.We will wear blue jerseys, white shorts and blue socks (unless captains choose yellow kit).FRIDAY - PracticeSATURDAY - Match v. Eau Claire Memorial (2:00 PM @ Mansfield Stadium)Note the changed start time.Everyone in the locker room by 12:45.We will wear white jerseys, blue shorts and white socks.Peter will send out an e-mail later in the week with more information about the postseason schedule.